Monday, December 7, 2009


Ever do something that you did NOT want to share with anyone? Well this is the place where we can share things we certainly did NOT do this week!

As a Fire Chief's daughter, I certainly did NOT leave my hair straightener on ALL day while I was at work. If I did, I certainly would have learned from my mistake. Certainly I did NOT do it again the next day. I am smarter than that. I would never do that!!!!

Also, in the attempt to purge my cupboards I brought some Fiddle Faddle (caramel popcorn) to work. I was thinking it would be a good idea because I did NOT need it in my house. I certainly did NOT go to Target yesterday and see a tin on sale full of caramel popcorn. I surely would NOT buy that to eat considering I just got rid of my previous container. NO I am way more disciplined than that!

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