Saturday, August 14, 2010

Little Known Facts....

Continuation from this post... where I talked about my little quirks. Now for the unknown little facts....

If you have actually sat down and talked to me, you will know that I LOVE TO TALK. I know that I mentioned this once before, but really, it is an obsession! I am trying to learn to have the "quiet and gentle spirit" with an emphasis on the quiet :)

Like I mentioned before, I love to ask this one little question...."tell me something about you that I dont know?" What is funny is that people are always taken back by this question. People look at me like I am crazy....and typically I get an answer like "you know everything about me." My answer to that is simply...."ummm no I dont!" Like I dont know what you ate for breakfast this morning or when you last painted your nails or anything of the sort.

Basically my reason for asking that question is to open up communication and to really get to know someone instead of scratching the surface. People say that makes me a "deep" person but I just think it possibly just makes me nosy. :P

But just to give myself a taste of my own medicine, I have compiled a list of things you might just not know about me! I hope you enjoy these....

My brother is half black. I know that this is an interesting fact but let me elaborate as to why this is funny. When I tell people this, they automatically assume my step mom is black, when I inform them she is white, people ask me if my dad is black. I, in turn respond, to them with the most compassionate(sarcastic) answer "ummm yeah he is and I am half black too!" If you are scratching your am I! Remember, I look like this.....

I dont think it can get any less black than that :)

When I was a little girl, I always wanted my first car to be a Limousine. It was not until I got older that I realized that it was not cool to drive the Limo, but be the person in the back not having to drive. Oops!

I always wanted to be a ballerina! It was up until a great uncle caboshed that dream, but at 24, I still want to learn ballet.

When I was in the fifth grade I decided to follow in my sisters footsteps and enter a talent contest. Well, as a result of that contest, I won 4 tickets to Raging Waters water park. My talent you want to know?? I peeled and ate a banana with my feet. So GROSS, I know....but my talent earned me much bragging I tried doing it in college...and well my friends...this girls still got it :)

I have a metal jaw. In 2007 I had a tumor removed from my jaw, so now I tote around this nice piece of metal.

To answer your question, sadly I do not set off metal detectors....though it would be cool if I did.

When I was 12 I decided it would be cool to try out for the Oscar Meyer Wiener commercials. So I did it! I totally think that I should have won! I was the epitome of the "all american girl" red gingham dress, pigtailed french braids and all! Sadly, Oscar Meyer Wiener was not looking for me....some little baby won that year.....not bitter, not bitter, not bitter....hehe.

I am NOT athletic. I really try and really enjoy playing sports, but in fifth grade I had a different agenda. On my small town soccer team, I would sit in center field and build daisy chain necklaces with the flowers in the field rather than playing the game. Needless to say, that was the one and only year my parents decided to pay for the soccer team. :)

And last my not least, my desire to nurture and teach had to have been influenced my this event. In 1st grade I won enough "kitty cat points" to earn the coveted "teacher for a day." That is right....I was a teacher for a day. My mom dressed me up in the cute little teacher dress and a bow in my hair and I got to teach the class. I EVEN got to eat lunch in the teachers lounge. I remember that day like it was yesterday. It was one of my favorite moments in school, second only to being the narrator in the "Three Little Pigs" in kindergarten.

So there you have it, I have told you a few things about myself you probably did not know.

Now it is your turn....share something about you that I dont know.

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