Sunday, October 3, 2010

You might be in Education if....

As some of you might know, I got a new job in May working for a school district as a Speech Therapy Assistant. I got a little taste of working for a school and then the kids were out for summer.

So....5 weeks into the school year I have realized a few things about working in a school.

If you work with kids, whether in education, speech, special ed...or even a stay at home mom, I am sure that you can relate to this post. :)

Working with kids you can never have enough....
  1. STICKERS- I have found that a sticker heals a boo boo, a sad day and for sure rewards good behavior. (even if that behavior was first instigated by a kid laying on the floor, and now they got up and sat down.)
  2. Hand Sanitizer- I have NEVER in my life seen so much "hunting for gold" in my life! WOW I do not think that I have ever had that many things up in my nose, but goodness these kids find their own "treasures!" Hand sanitizer is fantastic for all hands of course, wiping down Mr. Potato Head, or even sanitizing the McDonalds toys that you have told them 100 times "it is NOT real food" or "only pretend to eat." :)
  3. Health Insurance- You can never have enough insurance just in case you actually get sick from your kids "hunting for gold" or in the event you get hit, scratched, or bit....Health Insurance is a BLESSING!
  4. Running Shoes- If you have kids like mine, running shoes are a MUST. Children go from a sitting position to running out of the door faster than a bullet!
  5. Clothing with some "give"- I am constantly on the floor with my kids...that can even mean laying on the floor with them while they throw a fit attempting to "get into their world." If I had clothes that were too tight or did not move I would be able to relate to Chris Farley in Tommy Boy...."Fat guy in a little coat!" And we know how that ended up!
  6. Blotting Tissue- You know that running around with those kids and sweating profusely, blotting tissue to clean off the greasy face is a STAPLE for working with kids.
  7. Smiles- And lastly, you can not smile enough working with kids. The pure joy in seeing a child light up when you give them a voice or the words to be able to express themselves is such a lasting blessing!

Thank you to all teachers, moms, and those in education. These children need you and we need them!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this true on all accounts!
    those kiddo's are lucky to have you!
    miss you lots, catch up soon,
