Thursday, May 27, 2010

100 reasons I love having Gastric Bypass

Here is my "exhaustive" list as to why I have loved having Gastric Bypass.

1. I FEEL SO AMAZING!!!!!! I still see the personal trainer and am loving every minute of it. This past Monday, I was able to jog on the treadmill for the first time is years! I felt so accomplished. I jogged for 10 of the 30 minutes I was on there. I am positive I will be a runner eventually. Marathon, here I come! I have wanted to run so badly for so long! I am on my way there, that is for sure!

2. Finally, I am able to use a normal sized towel. AND it is does not look like a hand towel wrapped around my body:) This towel actually fits! I am so so excited about this. I am actually covered....with a NORMAL towel. No more beach towels or supersized towels for me:)




99. I have lost 40.25 INCHES all over my body! Here are the stats.... (all in inches)

Beginning, Now:
Neck-16.5, 15
Chest-52 , 46.5 (this one is a bit sad to me:( Not really but a shrinking bust is not usually what people ask for)
Shoulders-54.25, 46.5
Waist- 60 , 49.5
Hips-55.25 , 49.5
Bicep (R) 16.75 , 14.75
Bicep(L) 16.5 , 14.75
Thigh(R)-29.5, 27.25
Thigh(L)-28.75, 27
Calf(R) 20 , 17.75
Calf(L) 20 , 17.25

Also, my body fat percentage has decreased 6% over the last three months.

100. The 100th reason why I have loved having Gastric Bypass surgery is the fact that in the last 5 months, I have LOST 100 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT IS RIGHT.....I have lost 100 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Century Party HERE I COME!!!!!

I am so appreciative of everyone's support and even though I have encountered a few medical hiccups along the way, it is totally WORTH it!

Here are some before and after pictures I thought I would share with you. It if funny because I feel like I have not lost a ton of weight because I still have quite a bit to go, but after looking at these pictures, I am just shocked!

(No I did not photoshop myself *wink *wink :)

And here is my happy face!


  1. FLUTTER! You look so fabulous girl! Keep up the awesome journey. Being healthy is a life long activity. Welcome to your life! :) YAY YOU!!!

  2. Love the hair...Em your arms look very toned! I am lovin watching you progress! I'm ready for another fashion show..and what about another contest? I would love to see all the Nickerson girls...what a hoot! I love you Em. Judy

  3. looking good emily!!!! keep up your hard work!

  4. Wow Mings! You look amazing! Congratulations!

  5. WOW!!! You look amazing!!! 100 lbs. that is incredible!!

  6. you look amazing!!! congratulations my love :)
    can't wait to see you soooooon!

  7. We are so proud of you!!!! -Your Girls

  8. P.S. Whens the Century Party? yay! :)
    Love you!

  9. Sooo awesome!! You look GREAT!! :) Happy Century!!

  10. What an accomplishment! So proud of you! The great part is that this is only the beginning!!! We love you!

  11. You are (and always have been) such a beauty! I know what you mean about feeling healthy, great and working out! Congrats sweet Em! :) Love you, Aunt Jan

  12. That's so amazing!! A big congrats to you, Emily!!! I hope you really do have a century party to celebrate!!!!
