I felt like a Red Bull commercial...."Red bull....gives you WIIINNNGGSSS!!!!" But today, my Sauconys were like rocket ships.
I rounded the corner of my run and about to turn around when I thought to myself "This is easy, let's keep going." So that is exactly what I did! And it was GLORIOUS! I got back to my street where I should have turned but my rockets were still blasting....so I went another block....then another....then another.
As I was getting tired, I realized that the place I was supposed to cross was marked "no pedestrian crossing" forcing me to run up another block. At this point, I was getting pretty darn tired...so I did what any normal runner does....count my steps to 100 then start over. Well, that got pretty boring since I had quite some time left and I had already counted 500 steps, so naturally a caboshed that idea:)
But, finally with quads burning, knees aching and out of breath,
But, finally with quads burning, knees aching and out of breath,
Saucony's rock and you, my friend, are truly inspiring! I've been working out all winter but haven't been running in absolute eons! Time to get back at it! Go Flutter Go!