Friday, May 14, 2010

Fashion Find Fridays 5/14 Edition

Ummm ok so it has been one week since I updated last......Good Gracious do I need to be more on top of it.

A lot has happened since last week. But more of that to come tomorrow. I am so exhausted and think I am fighting being sick. BOO :( Key word is FIGHTING.....I refuse to admit I am sick. It is all in the mind....I hope.

But with out further stalling, here is my Fashion Find of the week!

Olive Green Jacket

Let me give you the deets (details.)
From: Target
Price: $10.34
Should have Cost 49.99
Saved: 39.65

The real kicker.....This Jacket is MATERNITY! Can't even tell! It is so comfortable and I just love it! And I guess if/when I get pregnant, I can wear it.

I hope it is still popular in 20 years :)


  1. That is a nicfe jacket - and the price is nice! I found you through a random blog hop (bambolettas blog, I think), I hope you don't mind me comming here to comment - nice place on the internet you got here...

