Friday, September 24, 2010

Flashback: Fashion Fail Friday

In an effort to purge my mother's closet of horrifically old jeans.... I came across a few gems that surely brought me back to my childhood. Then, I was reminded....what comes around goes around. I found some of todays "fashion" that I would like to see abolished from the fashion industry....and until then, I will hold on to these gems in protest.

Take the "Romper" other alias' are "Coolots" "Shortalls"

Sure I know 2 people who look good in these...but the rest of the world...SORRY but no go is no go....So in PROTEST, I will be wearing these...

Secondly, this "fashionable" item has been attributed to the likes of Hilary Clinton among others who fashion these at local clubs....

The "Pantsuit" or more know to me as "Overalls" "Coveralls" or any type of clothing where the pants and the shirt are connected....

Take this picture for example....

Not looking so good is it? Well in PROTEST of these "gorgeous" items, I will be sporting these...

Now you see friends, not every item you find in Glamour is fashion-forward. I state the case that the above mentioned "Romper" or "Pantsuit" are not new and are not any better than the previously modeled items.

I will continue to protest the fashion flashbacks with my own renditions....

Just pray THESE don't come back..


Monday, September 13, 2010


Ever think you were Middle Eastern because you were Welsh? Ever dance around in your room and fall off of a ladder? Ever scream bloody murder because of a spider in your room?

Ok me this concludes this post. :) HAHA JUST KIDDING!

Here are the few things that my week did NOT consist of :)

This last week I did NOT accidentally "make eyes" with a guy staring at me while driving in my car. And because I was embarrassed I did NOT just calmly gaze above his head as if to be staring outside. In addition, I totally did NOT ask two of friends what the "driving etiquette" was while at church last night. No way, I know that you are not supposed to stare at people, but cant you feel when someone is looking at you? What do you do?

This past week my email did NOT get hacked and send out ads for Viagra in Canada to many people including pastors among the recipients. OOPS sorry:( And no, I was NOT forced to change my email account because of it. And if you are getting these messages still, sorry.

And lastly, the past few weeks at my Bible Study, the topic of poop was NOT on every one's mind. No way, we totally only talk about bible stuff all the time and NOT about exploding toilets or anything else that pertains to bodily functions. And furthermore, I did NOT almost PUKE multiple times because of this DISGUSTING conversation.

Ok now it is your turn....what did you NOT do?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Fashion Find Friday!

I have these cute shoes to show you this week! What do you think?
I got them at no other place but Target.
They cost me $6.74 but SHOULD have cost me $25.99

These are the most comfortable shoes I have ever they are cute!

Note: Some life event blogs are on their way. I had a bit of a writer's block the last few weeks, but trust me...they are coming:)